Wednesday, September 30, 2015

West Point Cadets Let Loose With One Pillow Fight You Don't Want to Have

The United States Military Academy is one of the most prestigious colleges in the world, producing the U.S. Army with some of its top leaders since 1802. But when an annual pillow fight that marks the end of Plebe Summer (summer training for incoming freshmen) turns to a bloody brawl, one can only ask: "what kind of people are we letting run our military?"
This annual pillow fight has been a tradition for years, designed to build a sense of brotherhood amongst the Plebes (freshmen cadets), organized by the Plebes and overseen by upperclassmen. To ensure no risk of injury upperclassmen saw that the Plebes wore protective gear, such as helmets.
But security footage shows that the helmets that were intended as a means of protection became a means of injury as some of the Plebes began to stuff their helmets into their pillow cases, thus an innocent pillow fight became a lethal battle zone, knocking some cadets unconscious and leaving others with broken bones, dislocated shoulders, and concussions.
"West Point applauds the cadets' desire to build spirit and regrets the injuries to our cadets," Lt. Colonel Christopher Kasker, a spokesman for the Academy, reassuring that the injuries will be further investigated and appropriate measures will be taken to prevent such a thing from happening again. But so far no resolve has been shown to punish any cadets nor repeal the pillow-fighting tradition at the Academy. "While these spirit events do occur, we never condone any activity that results in intentional harm to a teammate" said Lt. General Robert L. Caslen Jr., superintendent of West Point, stating that 30 cadets required medical attention and 24 ended up with concussions.
The Military Academy it a very rigorous college and it almost seems necessary to blow off some steam. But it was under very poor leadership that these cadets were allowed to assault each other with malice and it is necessary for precautions to be made to ensure that something as bad at this will never happen again.
Under poor leadership, weather it is minor or major, harm can come to the people under that leadership. How do you guys think this could relate to the people of Syria and Bashar Al-Assad?


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