Thursday, January 7, 2016

Affluenza Teen Ethan Couch Arrested after fleeing to Mexico

Affluenza Teen Ethan Couch Arrested in Mexico
     In 2013, 16 year old Ethan Couch was put on probation after he was involved in a drunk driving incident that left 4 people dead.  When in courDuring Couch's sentencing in the drunk driving trial, a psychologist hired by the defense testified that the teen was a product of "Affluenza" which was used to described his irresponsible lifestyle associated with his affluent upbringing.  He blamed bad parenting for his actions even though his blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit at the site of the crash.  He was put on probation but was not incarcerated.
     While on probation he was seen partying with friends and decided to flee with his mother.  They changed their appearances, ditched their identifications and drove deep into Mexico, while law enforcement agencies in two countries searched for them across 1,200 miles.  The search ended Monday night with the arrest in Puerto Vallarta of Tonya Couch, 48, and her son, Ethan, 18.  But even after violating his probation and fleeing, and spending weeks as a fugitive and an object of an international manhunt, Mr. Couch still does not face nearly as stiff a penalty, because the probation was imposed and supervised by a juvenile court, officials said.  His mother however could face up to 10 years in prison on a charge of hindering apprehension. 
     This crazy situation is a perfect example of terrible people taking advantage of a terrible judicial system.  Our jails are filled with drug dealers while murders are left on the streets because they haven't grown up yet.
Is the judicial system to blame for letting Ethan off with such a soft punishment?  How we change this in the future?
If Ethan could use made up words like Affluenza to take advantage of the courts, how can this lead to further problems in the future?
Are the parents scapegoats in this situation or should the child be held with more accountability?


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