Thursday, December 10, 2015

How would a Trump Independent bid work?

How would a Trump Independent bid work?

Real estate developer and entrepreneur Donald Trump has been in the spotlight for years. From producing and starring in TV shows to campaigning for the U.S. presidency, see how he's shaped his empire.

     Once again Trump is taunting the Republican Party with his most recent notions to not rule out running as a third party for the presidential election.  Trump has been under fire recently for his egregious proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the United States.  With this far fetched idea coming on the heels of the shooting in San Bernardino, California, trump's candidacy is becoming more and more of a concern for the permanent damage it can leave on the party.  
     Earlier in the year, Trump met in New York with the head of the Republican National Committee and signed a "pledge" vowing not run as a third party independent and to support the Republicans eventual nominee.  Recently, Trump has shown signs of going back on that promise.  
     In an interview on Wednesday with CNN's Don Lemon, Trump stated that an independent run was "highly unlikely" but denied to completely ruling it out as an option.  In addition, Trumo called the pledge a "two way street" which definitely leaves room to debate on whether it is a realistic possibility.  Trumps final words on the idea topped off the notion of a third party run,  "If they don't treat me with a certain amount of decorum and respect. If they don't treat me as the front-runner ... If the playing field is not level, then certainly all options are open," Trump said.  Well I guess we will find out before November, but until then nobody knows what will happen. 

How would an independent run affect each party in the presidential election?
What are some pros and cons to trump running as an independent?
Will Trump lose any support running as an independent opposed to running as a republican?
Are Trump's recent comments coming from fear of defeat or hubris?

1 comment:

King Pash said...

Knowing what we know about third parties, I think it is fair to say that an Independent Trump would devastate the chance for the Republicans or any conservative candidate to take the White House. For example, in the 2000 election, the Green Party's Ralph Nader is thought of as once the catalysts for Gore's incredibly slim margin of loss against Bush. While there was basically a 0% chance of Nader winning the election, it is fathomable that he could have taken enough votes from liberals who would have otherwise voted for Gore, to affect the election. Trump running as Independent would principally give the Democrats a free shot at the White House, especially if Trump's backing is really as big as he claims it to be. According to a CBS poll, polled before Trump's comment about banning Muslims, Trump would have 35% of the Republican primary vote. If 35% of the Republicans' primary vote was just to disappear from the party, there is almost no chance a Republican could win the election. The Republican party needs to get its act together, and quick.