Thursday, September 24, 2015

Carly Fiorina: Real Condender or Republican Pawn?

In last week's Republican debate, Carly Fiorina made a strong showing for herself, "cutting Trump’s balls off with the precision of a surgeon” (Kaufman). However, many supporters of the up-and-coming candidate should be warned, say Republican experts.

Last week, Fiorina made her first appearance in the main debate, coming from the undercard positino in the last debate. She came out seemingly confident, and she was able to deflect Trumps attacks for the most part. As a result, Fiorina was met with good reception from Republicans following the debate. The Washington Times, however, groups Fiorina as a sort of sprinter who will quickly run out of energy: “This remarkable nomination battle has been shaped by these three outsiders,” the authors wrote in their analysis. “While we think that they are unlikely to end up on the November 2016 ballot, each one has influenced what the eventual standard-bearer will do and say — for better or worse” (McLaughlin). The three candidates in this category, Trump, Carson, and Fiorina, all are political novices who many experts do not think will be able to stand up to the "long distance runners" of Bush, Kasich, and Cruz.

Right now, Fiorina is the darling of the Republican part; she controls 15% of the primary vote, second to only Trump, and the Heritage Action for American forum in Greenville, South Carolina, and the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference on Mackinac Island, Michigan, praised her this past weekend. Unfortunately, the benefits of being a frontrunner come with consequences; her background, experience, and character will come under an increasing amount of fire as the media crawls into her life. Controversy over her management of HP and her failed senate run may spell Fiorina's early end. It is likely, says author Jamelle Bouie, that Fiorina will be relegated to a cabinet position or even a place as VP. 
  • Do you think Carly has a chance to win the nomination?
  • Do you think she can overcome the controversy of her past?
  • Is Carly better suited for a cabinet or VP position?


mia said...

Although Fiorina is rising in the poles it is still difficult to determine whether or not she will win the Republican nomination. The main challenge that I think Fiorina will face is the fact that she has never held office before, this may prevent her from winning the vote because of the traditional views that the majority of the party members hold; the republican party tends to favor experienced politicians. That being said it is Trump and Fiorina, two business people, who are currently leading the poles so Fiorina does have hope of overcoming this hurdle. In my opinion, if it comes does to Fiorina vs Trump on who will get the nomination I believe that Fiorina will come out stronger because she is taken as more of a serious candidate. Both Fiorina and Trump are questionable candidates because of their political inexperience however, of what we have seen so far, Fiorina seems to behave herself better and be less offensive than her opponent, making her more appealing as the face of America. If I had to make a prediction I would think that either Fiorina will get the nomination or another candidate such as Carson or Bush will come from behind and Fiorina will be placed as VP. This position may be good for her because she will be given political experience before being thrown into presidency. Judging from the current poles though this may be the year that a female candidate is given the Republican nomination, and if not than there is still great possibility of it not being given to a politician because Carson and Trump are currently the other two frontrunners in this race.

brandcow said...

Carly Fiorina has made a leap in the polls after both GOP debates due to her strong performances and aggressive mentality. She is seen as another candidate, like Trump and Carson, who is not a politician but more moderate and rational than her two non political counterparts. However, despite her rise to 2nd in the most recent polls, many feel that Fiorina’s campaign is currently in an all out sprint but she may run out of steam once her past failures as CEO of Hewlett-Packard and her past political failures are brought to the forefront by the media.
I think that Carly Fiorina certainly has a chance to win based on where she is in the polls currently. Second to only Donald Trump, she certainly is in a great spot to receive the Republican nomination which is necessary for her path to the White House. But, I do not think Fiorina will win the election because of her past mistakes, which she has tried to play the woman card which many people do not like. I do think she is better served as a Vice President nominee or as a cabinet member because given her failures I do not think we would want to risk that on President of the United States.

brandcow said...

Carly Fiorina has made a leap in the polls after both GOP debates due to her strong performances and aggressive mentality. She is seen as another candidate, like Trump and Carson, who is not a politician but more moderate and rational than her two non political counterparts. However, despite her rise to 2nd in the most recent polls, many feel that Fiorina’s campaign is currently in an all out sprint but she may run out of steam once her past failures as CEO of Hewlett-Packard and her past political failures are brought to the forefront by the media.
I think that Carly Fiorina certainly has a chance to win based on where she is in the polls currently. Second to only Donald Trump, she certainly is in a great spot to receive the Republican nomination which is necessary for her path to the White House. But, I do not think Fiorina will win the election because of her past mistakes, which she has tried to play the woman card which many people do not like. I do think she is better served as a Vice President nominee or as a cabinet member because given her failures I do not think we would want to risk that on President of the United States.

Blogger Brian said...

Although Carly Fiorina has jumped in the polls after the GOP debates and her defense against Trump, I do not believe she will be able to last in the long run. I believe that she is coming out with everything she has right now, which is attracting a lot of people's votes. However, I think that some of this support is coming from people who are on her side of her feuding with Trump. With her limited political background against candidates with generations of experience like Bush, I believe she will fade off as time passes. I believe that she would be a better candidate for Vice President or a cabinet member because she is an intelligent, bold woman who is experienced in business. However, she is lacking the political experience, which requires a lot of mental stamina. This is what ultimately makes her a weaker candidate and why I believe she will not win the Republican election.

Brodi said...

I think Carly Fiorina does not have a chance to win the Republican vote for one reason, her past. Carly is a great public speaker and did very well in the debates, which is helping her now, but I think that luck will run out because her past will not be forgotten. She is a prime example on how one bad thing can have a huge impact that persons future. Her issue was her mismanagement of HP, which is proving too much to overcome and there is no way the voters will be able to look past it. It doesn't help her that Trump constantly brings up her past to further set her back in the poles. Instead of bringing himself up, he puts others down. I feel that Fiorina would be a good fit for cabinet because she is very smart and I feel she can work with the other cabinet members pretty successfully. On the contrary, I feel she will not be able to handle the VP position because she would constantly be under scrutiny about her past experiences with power and leadership. She will not have the peoples trust which is in my opinion the most important thing the President and VP need in order to successfully govern the people.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Carly Fiorina's chances of winning the Republican nomination are very slim. This is due to her lack of political experience and lack of endorsements from major donors and party officials. However, her gender makes her a great asset to the Republican campaign. She can offset the feminine support that Hilary Clinton has going for her nomination, and is the only person running on the Republican party that can do so. The Republicans do not want to have an all male team going up agains clinton. Therefore, she has a very good chance of becoming the Vice Presidential nominee. Her views also are very typical of the Republican party, which means she would fit well as the Vice President. She advocates for a smaller government, tax cuts, and opposes abortion rights. If she is nominated then Clinton can not use Gender to her advantage to the same extent that she could have. Due to the above assets is she is able to run a strong campaign and make a strong appearance in the debates she is very likely to receive the nomination for Vice President.