Thursday, March 10, 2016

Democratic Debate Results

Boy oh boy, the Democrats surely saved the most entertaining debate for last as we saw earlier this week. The constant sharp attacks made it more reminiscent of a typical Republican debate than a Democratic debate. This was most likely attributed to the fact that Florida, a crucial battleground state is up for grabs this week. And the race is closer than ever expected. 

Major topics at the debate included immigration policy, the government bailout of the automobile industry, and of course, the Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. 

Sanders and Clinton have drastically different views on immigration policy. Clinton criticized Sanders for his opposition to the 2007 immigration overhaul. She then went on the pony out his inconsistent explanations for his action. Interestingly enough Clinton also got hit for inconsistencies in immigration. During the debate she seemed to promise and end
to the White House policy of deporting undocumented immigrant children. However, just a few years ago in 2014 she said those children should be sent back to their countries and reunited with their families. Inevitably, both candidates looked unreliable. 

Both candidates came ready to attack, and they did just that, with full knowledge of their rivals' records. Hilary made many attacks on Sanders, yet her most potent one was the one where she stated that Sanders makes fanciful promises of policy with absolutely no way of getting it done. Sanders was throughing punches as well through out the night. His most prominent one was for her speeches to Wall Street firms for large sums of money. He went as far as to insinuate that she may be hiding something by not releasing the transcripts. 

Overall the debate was ruthless, yet it brought light to many of the candidates flaws. It will be interesting to see if these attacks do any damage to the publics view of the candidates. 

Is there any truth to their criticism? Do you think Sanders has a chance at the nomination? How do you think this debate and the topics brought up will impact the overall race?

1 comment:

Blogger Brian said...

I do not believe that the two candidates' constant battering of each other will have much of an impact on the polls. Most Democratic voters are strong supporters of one of the candidates, and are not flip-flopping between the two. In addition, I don't think that Bernie was making effective attacks on Hillary anyway. His accusations of her hiding information about Wall Street firms and not being trustworthy are things that voters are already very aware of after the email scandal. Her supporters have made it clear that although Hillary is not the most trustworthy candidate, they support her because of her political experience and other qualities that they value more. I also think Hillary's attacks will be ineffective because they were very hypocritical. She accused Bernie of being inconsistent with his policies, yet she is the same way. Her making these accusations just makes her look like a hypocrite. I believe that the candidates should be promoting themselves and their policies rather than demoting the others'. However, I do understand where they are coming from, with FLorida coming up.