Monday, October 12, 2015

The Battle for Planned Parenthood

The constant fight over Planned Parenthood is becoming more than just another issue in the war over Abortion. The question for many Republicans is should the government pour millions of dollars into this organization? Either way, a decision in December will have to be made, and the outcome of the decision will affect voters, people, and the government's budget. Recently, the issue has been brought up in many of the GOP debates,  and presidential candidates Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Carly Fiorina have found videos released this summer which purportedly show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal tissue, seeking to seize on grassroots conservative revulsion and to put potential Democratic rivals on the defensive. This issue is one that has multiple aspects to it, mainly because Planned Parenthood is a positive and beneficial organization, however there have been negative reports of some of the officials that work at the organization. Furthermore, Republicans have repeatedly attempted to wound the organization, partly because Planned Parenthood and its
 supporters lie at the center of the extended Democratic Party political machine.

The core of the Democratic party isn't overly interested in the Planned Parenthood organization. Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life, which supports the defunding of Planned Parenthood and supports Democrats who also oppose abortion. It interesting to see a rift in the Democratic party because usually most Democrats agree with each other’s views on political issues and in the past they have supported the funding of Planned Parenthood. Day also goes on to talk about the Democratic party saying "if you separate the women's health issue from elections, Democrats would make very different decisions." The fact that these accusations are from a Democrat is quite interesting. However, Day backs the entirety of the party by saying "Instead of protecting one corporation that heavily finances Democratic candidates, Democrats would rather focus on how to increase funding for healthcare for women.” A cut in funds to Planned Parenthood would be a huge loss for the organization, but as for the Democrats themselves, they wouldn’t be taking a suffering loss mainly because Planned Parenthood does not generate that much money for either political party. For example, in the 2014 electoral cycle, Planned Parenthood spent just under $1.6 million in contributions to political candidates, party committees and PACS and a little more in lobbying, according to, which charts the role of money in politics. 1.6 million is really not much in the grand scheme of things, which is why funding for Planed Parenthood might not be as significant as the organization hopes it will be this coming December.

Some questions that should be answered before December are:

Is Planned Parenthood considered a notable and trustworthy organization for females?
Should our government fund the organization with millions of dollars? Why or why not?
If some Democrats support the defunding of Planned Parenthood, would it make more sense to try and create a beneficial healthcare system for women? Why or why not?


Unknown said...

Planned Parenthood is an organization that has become increasingly targeted for its relatively benevolent actions and services for women. The videos that were found over the summer have been largely discredited as edited to the point that they would not stand in court. The donation of fetal tissue itself is not at all an illegal process, only the sale of it. However, after multiple investigations by Congress and individual states no evidence has appeared that Planned Parenthood benefited from these donations. Although Planned Parenthood is frequently targeted as an organization that offers abortions, it does much more. Planned Parenthood is an important service for the screening of STDS, supplying of contraception, and general healthcare for many women, especially those in underprivileged areas. The government should be funding this organization because it is unfair to ignore the healthcare needs of women and let them fall to the wayside. Women are different from men in their medical needs, especially since they're the only ones that can get pregnant. I would not support the defunding of Planned Parenthood; however, if it were to be defunded a new system would need to be put in place for women specifically. Either healthcare needs to improve for women or Planned Parenthood must stay in place. Women constitute more than fifty percent of the entire population and it is the responsibility of the government and of citizens to ensure that they have ample access to some form of healthcare.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, if your question "Is Planned Parenthood considered a notable and trustworthy organization for females?" is asking what I think it is asking, then I would answer you with a resounding yes! As for the videos you are referencing, it has been revealed recently that the allegedly inhumane content of those videos was exaggerated and even made up by Carly Fiorina and other GOP candidates. It is important that Planned Parenthood remain funded federally; it has served as a vital women's health resource for years. Less than 3% of Planned Parenthood's services concern abortions. Therefore, pro-life activists are fighting against women's health more than abortion. Even though they may think they are saving women and children by defunding Planned Parenthood, they could potentially be hurting them. Planned Parenthood provides preventative resources (condoms, contraception), cancer screenings, sexual health education, and more. Without this organization, women and children will be more likely to fall victim to STDs, some of which are fatal. However, I do think that the government could potentially create an alternative to Planned Parenthood which would appease both feminist advocates and pro-life advocates. If the Democratic Party chooses to develop a more beneficial healthcare system for women that did not provide abortion services, I would support the decision.


Anonymous said...

Planned Parenthood is an organization that serves many low-income women, many of whom are women of color, through cancer screenings, pap-smears, and preventative resources. Many of these women would not be able to access such services otherwise. Planned Parenthood is thus the most notably trustworthy women's health organization on the books. Pro-life advocates are trying to shut down an extremely helpful and vital program. And even if abortion is the primary concern of these advocates, women have the right to abortion. Women's personal decisions about their own bodies are protected by Roe v. Wade, and while Pro-lifers have the right to protest, they do not have any right to deny women medical attention even if they don't agree with the procedures.