Thursday, October 8, 2015

U.S. Avoids Confronting Putin, Hoping to Keep Tensions Low

Even after Russia has sent their missiles and jets flying over Syria, President Obama continues to support a patient response to avoid conflict with Russia. Although he calls it patience, many critics think that he is scared to make a bold move against Russia. If this is true, it comes with good reason since he is dealing with a leader like Putin.
At this point, there is very little that the U.S. could do without sparking Russia to escalate tensions. Although Obama is preparing for meetings in coming days, he does not have a new plan to deal with Russia, Putin, or the Islamic State. Although the U.S. wants to help the Syrian opposition allies, it will not provide them with arms. This leads Obama to believe that not much can be done about the issue right now, and that most of the help that the U.S. can provide will be given after the fact. This is especially true because of where this is taking place; the Middle East, where one political or military move could erupt a whole new issue. As a result, the U.S. government believes that all it can do right now is sit back and wait out Russia's intervention, while still keeping a close eye on the issue.
Although it is unsure what can be done in our relations with Russia without angering them, we know that it might not take much to make Putin do something rash. Many think that the Obama administration is being too reserved, and that if we want to come to an agreement with Russia, we must take action. They say it is wishful thinking to believe that Russia will be reasonable if we just sit back and do nothing. However, if we do do something, we have no idea what Russia will do,

What do you think the Obama administration should do? Is the U.S. being too conservative or is it being smart? Does the U.S. even have a responsibility in this issue?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe Obama is doing the right thing by staying out of the conflict. There are many problems in the US today that needs to be addressed. I don't think we should get involved with another foreign conflict, especially because there are troops still in Afghanistan. Getting involved in the issue will just put more American troops in danger, and cost the US money that we don't have. The US is already over 18 trillion dollars in debt and that number is only expected to rise. We do not need to start conflict with Russia at this time, especially because Putin is unpredictable.