Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Families Funding the 2016 Presidential Election

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As learned through this course, the influence of the upper class dominates politics due to their tremendous funding toward certain campaigns. American Society is divided into class lines with the upper class elites virtually pulling the strings of the government. Wealth is seen as the basis of this power. The Elite and Class theory explains how the 1% minority of the American population calls for one third of the nation's wealth. Therefore this minority, due to its excessive wealth, is capable of puppeteering the rest of the nation because they are in power as a result of their funding and support to political campaigns. This issue sparks great controversy because ultimately only the wealthy voices are heard. The wealthy are now in the power to sway the nation one way or the other due to their money and the struggle for the lower and middle class to wedge into the political race is increasingly difficult. However, despite the power of the wealthy, which are likely members of the Republican party, from my perspective the democrats do have a voice as well. The democratic party won the past election with President Barack Obama and they have taken great influence in political movements such as the legalization of gay marriage in the United States. Even though the democrats have made such strides in regards to American progress, it is undeniable that the right side of the political spectrum dominates through its wealth. It is understandable that there is such debate over the power of those who fund political campaigns however I do believe that other voices in our nation are heard as well. Despite this, the funding of political elections will most always be provided by the 1% and because of this they will have a strong in regards to how this country operates.