Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hilary Clinton's Benghazi Trial

Today, after two years of delayed occurrence, an assembly has gathered to hear the testimony of Mrs. Clinton surrounding the death of four Americans, including the Libyan ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who were killed in an attack in 2012 while Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state. These deaths have caused large amounts of anger and animosity directed at Hilary Clinton. As her presidential campaign has progressed, many Democrats have questioned the validity of these attacks and whether or not they are only meant to harm her campaign rather than establish any real justice. Intertwined with the Benghazi incident is the email scandal that has plagued Clinton for many months. Her use of a personal email server has only increased the amount of bad press and has continually caused drops in her poll numbers.

Clinton opened the trial by saying, "My challenge to you, members of this committee, is the same challenge I put to myself. Let's be worthy of the trust the American people have bestowed upon us." Republic Susan Brooks, a representative of Indiana. targeted the number of emails Clinton sent during her time in office. In one stack was a pile of 800 emails and the second stack, emails that occurred after Benghazi took place, amounted to only 67. Brooks used these stacks to pin Clinton as uncaring about the events in Benghazi, to which Clinton replied that email is not the only she was communicating at the time. Throughout the trial, the emails have continually appeared as a focal point. Republic Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina was quoted saying, "Your emails are no more or less important than anyone else's. It just took longer to get the, and garnered more attention in the process." This comment was made regarding questions about the timing of the trial. Some say that the Republic party dragged it out until now so that it would be close to the Clinton campaign.

Other allegations have included the fact that more security was requested by those in Benghazi but none was sent. However, Clinton claims that the requests never reached her and stayed at the lower levels of administration who usually handle security matters. 

Tensions also rose among the committee when Representative Gowdy and Democrat Elijah Cummings of California have gone head to head on the real purpose of this hearing. Cummings feels that the hearing is meant to sabotage Clinton's campaign and that the investigations are wasting tax payer dollars on something that has already been investigated and found no results. Gowdy claims that the investigation is meant to honor the families who lost loved ones in the Benghazi attack. 

Clinton has already taken responsibility for the lives lost and her role in that, but notes that the final call on Libya from President Obama. 

Is the trial meant to harm Clinton's campaign or find answers?
Does this trial pay respect to the families of those who died or is it all politics?
How much responsibility does Clinton bear?

1 comment:

Ally said...

At today's Benghazi hearing, Hillary Clinton came across as relatively composed and left "unscathed." Clinton maintained her composure while three and a half hours into hearing, Gowdy and and Cummings got into a heated screaming match over the release of the Blumenthal transcript. Overall, I don't think that this hearing will have a negative effect on Clinton's campaign, however, I do think that there was a mixed motive as to the timing of this hearing. While Gowdy said, "Your emails are no more or less important than anyone else's. It just took longer to get the, and garnered more attention in the process," as Gwen cited, there were other remarks proved otherwise. Rep. Roskam said Clinton saw an opportunity “to turn progress in Libya into a political win...You take a victory lap … and then turn your attention to other things." Clinton then logically responded, “I don’t understand why that has anything to do with what we are supposed to be talking about today.” Roskam's comment is transparent in that while the hearing does have the goal of straightening the facts of Benghazi, it is also has a political motive in harming Clinton's campaign for president. Clinton takes significant responsibilty not only plainly stating that"I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," but also stated "I was the one who asked Chris to go to Libya as our envoy. I was the one who recommended him to be our ambassador to Libya. After the attacks I stood next to President Obama as Marines carried his casket and those of the other three Americans off the plane at Andrews Air Force Base. I took responsibility." However, the issues of security, Clinton hands off to the security officials, claiming that those decisions were not her call. The committee is under great pressure to produce evidence of Clinton's misconduct, else it will have the legacy as a "taxpayer-funded political attack."
