Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hillary Gets Grilled, Comes Out Without a Scratch

This Thursday, former Secretary of State and current Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton fought off some major accusations at an eleven-hour court hearing, revolving around her response to the imminent political disaster that was Benghazi. Hillary was scrutinized by Republican politicians all day long, but she did not allow any major harm to her presidential campaign.
Clinton reasserted that she never set eyes on any requests for additional security by Libyan Embassy personnel (NBC News). She additionally commented that she is the only US government official who has ever needed to release emails, which she views as a sign that she has been transparent through this whole process. She went on to say that a great deal of the work she has done for the country has not been over email, which would explain why her email account was devoid of messages regarding the debacle in Libya as it was ongoing (NBC).
For Hillary, today was about damage control. The events that occurred in Benghazi is still pretty shady to the American public, but I think she is doing the best she can to divert our watchful eyes. In all likelihood, Hillary's involvement, or lack thereof, in the tragedy in Benghazi will never be fully revealed to the public. The Republicans are trying to pin her to the wall as treasonous, but there is no hard evidence that suggests she was involved in any wrongdoings. It may potentially come out that she was, but I think as of now that fear will be out of the voter's minds by Election Day 2016.
Hillary stood strong under scrutiny, and the positive result of the hearing should give her a little boost in the polls.
Do you guys think Hillary is at all responsible for the attack in Benghazi? What type of impact do you think this continued story will eventually have on her bid for the presidency?



Olivia Baesil said...

None of this matters for Hillary Clinton, to be completely honest. I don't think we'll ever truly find what happened, but the public just doesn't care enough for us to ever find out. I think the major problem is that the race right now is such a circus that it's almost like there is too much to look at for us to focus on one thing for more than a little while. Hillary Clinton's emails haven't made her poll numbers drop at all (she's polling number one in every single poll I've looked at yet) and I doubt anything will make her numbers drop. Seriously. Clinton would only be drop maybe if she killed someone in cold blood on camera. The public is just too distracted by Republican candidates saying crazy things to focus enough on the fact this is a major issue. I think if this was happening in any other election, with different nominees and different circumstances, Clinton would have dropped out by now. However, Hillary Clinton is the only moderate Democrat with a chance of the nomination, so she can't drop out. If another person were to run with an equal chance (Joe Biden) then maybe this would be a bigger deal. Also, the Trump show that's happening right now is much more entertaining and seemingly controversial to the general public, so most people prefer to watch that instead. It's wrong and the public should be focusing on the fact that Hillary could have been part of a scandal of Watergate proportions, but no one cares because Trump said something funny and slightly racist and the depressing truth is that moderate liberals will have no one with an actual chance to turn to.

Kyle said...

The Benghazi trial was a complete failure. The trial was an attempt to make Clinton look guilty of treason, but in the end her accusers came out looking like a bunch of angry children shouting over each other and Clintons polls had no negative impact. Weather or not Clinton has committed a crime, accusing her has become a useless attempt to demonize her and to hurt her candidacy. Though I do not support Clinton in the slightest nor do I think she is trustworthy, I believe it would be best to let this one go but to keep a close eye on her. The people of America can vote for whoever they want, but I believe that anyone who is considering Clinton should keep in mind that they are routing for an untrustworthy candidate who may or may not be involved in a scandal that puts national security at risk.

Blogger Brian said...

Even though I am unsure whether or not I think Hilary was involved in this scandal, I believe that is has definitely become blown up way too much. It is clear that at this point the Republicans are just trying to take shots at her. But, because there is not enough hard evidence to prove that Hilary Clinton was responsible for Benghazi, I do not believe it will have a significant effect on her campaign. Although everyone is aware of the situation, the fact that almost no progress has been made in accusing her has caused people's interest on the issue to dwindle. Especially after this Benghazi trial, which Hilary stood strong in. Even though she was barraged by accusations, she seemed to stay composed and was able to defend herself very well. After seeing this, I believe many people will not consider this issue when voting. Most people that oppose Hilary have opposed her the entire time. These accusations are not changing many people's opinions on her because the people that consider her an untrustworthy candidate have already believed so.