Thursday, October 22, 2015

Paul Ryan to Seek Speaker Position

After two powerful factions of Republicans in the House, the centrist Tuesday Group and the conservative Republican Study Committee, endorsed his run, Paul Ryan announced that he would seek to replace former Speaker of the House John Boehner. He had initially dispelled rumors that he would be running, but after gaining support, and in the wake of Kevin McCarthy's opting-out of the race, his mind has changed. In an email to his fellow Republicans, he said " “But I pledged to you that if I could be a unifying figure, then I would serve, I would go all in. After talking with so many of you and hearing your words of encouragement, I believe we are ready to move forward as one, united team. And I am ready and eager to be our speaker.”
The support from the two House factions comes after Ryan recently received support from the very conservative Freedom Caucus. However, there has been a silent agreement between the two groups regarding the processes and style in the House under Ryan's watch. The Freedom Caucus wants Ryan to give rank-and-file lawmakers a greater voice, and in return Ryan wanted an agreement to change the ousting procedure, as well as full support from the faction. Neither side was guaranteed anything, but they agreed to operate on faith.Ryan is certainly qualified for the job. He became more credible to fellow Republicans this week when he declared he was frustrated with lawmakers circumventing committees. Ryan himself is the chairman of the very powerful Ways and Means Committee. At 45, he would bring a fresh new face to the party, especially in contrast with Boehner's "weatherworn Washington longevity." He pledged to make the House a more open and inclusive body—one where every member can contribute to the legislative process.”

The internal GOP election is set for next week, and the floor vote is set for Thursday. What do you think? Is Ryan the best man for the job? Why have so many other House leaders refused to run for Speaker? What are some challenges the new Speaker must deal with?


rubytuesday said...

Paul Ryan is easily the best man for the job, and that is where consensus opinions end within the Republican party. Republicans, Ryan included, have been so adverse to assuming the speaker role because it's a political suicide mission. Due to the turmoil within the Senate and the Republican party itself, the role of the speaker will mostly involve saying "no" to your peers while trying to mediate the countless dissenting opinions while keeping the welfare of the country in mind. It is an incredibly difficult job that seems impossible in today's tumultuous climate. Ryan himself had been hesitant because, as a rising star within the party, he doesn't want to be forced into a dead-end job just because everyone in the party agrees he's the best for it. The Speaker of the House does not become the POTUS. It's a hard job and that makes you the face of a much-maligned political machine. He hasn't in over a century-and-a-half. Ryan, who likely has presidential aspirations, should certainly have trepidation over assuming such a fatal position. However, that doesn't change the fact that he is definitely the best candidate for the job. He's a rising star that many believe has the power to mediate some of the real gridlock-inducing issues. If anyone can perform well as Speaker, many believe that person to be Ryan. The Republican party holds Ryan to be the one man in the party who has the power to bring unify it, and that is the speaker's most valuable quality.

Anonymous said...

I think that Paul Ryan is a qualified man for the job, and he promises many things including a unified body in the House. Even though some conservatives are still skeptical, he has received enough support that he can win the vote for speaker. His support may even allow for more compromises in the house (which is the hope). Many people have turned down the job because there are so many different factions in the House of Representatives and it is hard to compromise within the House. The Freedom Caucus is a very conservative wing and is not willing to compromise on anything. Also, people saw what happened to Boehner and how he was ineffective in passing legislation that the Republicans wanted to pass and as a result are not keen on becoming Speaker of the House.
The new speaker must deal with the issue of raising the United States debt, a conflict that may result in another government shutdown if not compromised effectively. There is a deadline on November third to pass a raised borrowing limit and another on December 11th to pass legislation on the new budget. Overall, if elected, Paul Ryan will face many obstacles in unifying the House of Representatives on the issues; but there is hope that he will be able to do it.