Thursday, January 7, 2016

Paris Shooting

As many of us know today marks the deadly Charlie Hebdo shootings, and the anniversary was commemorated with more bloodshed.

Police shot and killed a man today at 11:30, the exact time the Charlie Hebdo shootings occured, who is a possible terrorist. He was wielding a knife and had a piece of paper on him with the ISIS flag on him along with a hand written not in Arabic claiming responsibility for the ensuing attack. He also was wearing a fake explosives vest, with strings/wires coming out of his sleeves.

He was shot three times as he attempted to enter the police station, holding the butchers knife and yelling "Allahu Akbar." The man was 20 years old and from the South of France.

Although this has not been confirmed as a terrorist attack, it looks like it will be classified as such. Once again, Paris was plunged into fear. Schools were closed, people left work, and people once again feared for their lives.

However, as of now, it seems that he was working alone, and therefore officials do not believe that there is any imminent danger.

Paris has certainly had a terrible year when it comes to terrorist attacks. There has been so much blood shed, and the French President declared that France is at war with ISIS and will do this by strengthening international affairs.

This event will only inspire more internal issues in France, they are already so divided and there is so much anti muslim sentiment that will only increase with this attack.

How do you all think this will affect France? And how will it affect the rest of the world? Will it increase internal divides or bring people together?


Anonymous said...
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Your Pal said...

This event will only continue to bring fear to the people of Paris. Although the event did not result in any innocent casualties (thankfully), it did remind the people of Paris and the people of the world that the Daesh continue to be a threat to the safety of people everywhere. One of the main points of terrorism is to induce fear to the western cultures that the Daesh see as the wrong way of life, and the fake-bomb, while not being a threat to anyone, did accomplish this goal. Furthermore, as this is the one year anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo shooting, its hard not to see this as an intentional act. This is a hard topic to decide whether or not this will bring people together or further the divide between Muslims and the people of France. Hopefully it will bring people together, but that is a wish that nobody can guarantee.

Anonymous said...

I do not think that this specific event will change things too much for France because they are already in the mindset that they are at war with Islamic terrorism. This will reinforce these feelings, but this incident is not unexpected and is in fact to be expected. Within the large Muslim communities in Europe, it can be assumed that there will be members of ISIS among them that may be plotting terrorist attacks. The French intelligence has probably foiled many plots that we don’t know about. It will be impossible to completely avoid some terrorist attacks.
French society is even becoming more aggressive in terms of their tactics against terrorism including police protocol. Policemen were previously only allowed to use guns for self-defense, but now, they are able to shoot attackers on rampage. New laws even allow authorities to monitor returning Syrians to their homes in France. These measures are infringing on the civil rights of the French people. However, this is how far President Hollande and the French government are willing to do to protect their country.

El KittyCat said...

This event is tragic, since all that it will do is increase anti-Muslim sentiment in not just France, but all of Europe. It is infuriating to see how the actions of one sadistic, deranged individual is enough to alienate an entire group of people. It is simply terrible how so many Muslim refugees have to live in constant fear because of the monstrosity known as ISIS. They were driven from their homes by war, and instead of finding refuge, they will soon find themselves in similarly hostile environments. In addition, recent sexual assaults that took place in Germany on New Year's Eve may increase distrust towards Muslim immigrants, seeing that some of these incidents may have been perpetrated by refugees. In the city of Cologne alone, over 100 complaints of sexual assault were filed, two of which have been determined to be acts of rape. Other major cities like Hamburg experienced similar incidents. Although the investigation is still underway, the fact that many of these attackers appeared to be North African or Arabic will only serve to increase anti-Muslim sentiment. It seems that in the midst of all these incidents, the citizens of countries like Germany and France are becoming increasingly divided, with many outraged at the arrival of so many Syrian and Middle Eastern immigrants.