Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Closer Look at Trump's Healthcare Plan


Donald Trump’s campaign has clearly been the most controversial and has received a lot of criticism on these blogs.  However, he just released his healthcare plan and in my opinion it is really well structured and probably the best plan presented yet.

Trump’s plan consists of 7 parts which I have simplified.  His plan goes into more specifics on his website.
  1. Repeal Obamacare
  2. Allow health insurance to be sold across state lines
  3. Allow individuals to deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns
  4. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts and make HSA tax free
  5. Require price transparency from all providers
  6. Block-grant medicare to states
  7. Remove barrier to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products

Several of these initiatives would greatly lower the price of healthcare for people of all economic backgrounds.  Trump, like many Republicans has been against Obamacare all along. Obamacare has struggled, due to very high premiums which have made it essentially unaffordable for many, limited coverage, and long waits at locations that accept Obamacare. By allowing individuals to deduct their premiums from their taxes and allowing the use of tax free HSA’s, this will greatly lower the burden that high premiums have.  In addition, Trump wants to expand the free market for healthcare by allowing it to be sold across state lines which by having increased competition will lower the cost of healthcare.  But, the most important part in his plan is step 7, by opening up our drug markets to international competition, the costs will go way down.  In addition, this will also be pivotal for many people who are battling life threatening diseases such as cancer.  Europe has been a lot more accepting to many of the newer cancer drugs while patients in the United States are still primarily on chemotherapy drugs that were the same as they were 50 years ago.  In fact, many American citizens have had to travel to Europe or other parts of the world and live there for a few years in order to get the treatments they need to survive.  This should not happen and by allowing international competition, it also allows us to minimize the influence that these massive pharmaceutical companies have over our politicians currently.

Whether you agree with Trump’s policies on immigration or other areas, I encourage you to take a look at his healthcare plan.  I think regardless of whether or not Trump wins the Presidency, Congress may take a look into certain parts of his plan.  Do you agree with the seven parts of Donald Trump’s healthcare plan?  Does Trump’s healthcare plan increase your chances of voting for him in the upcoming primaries or general election?  Do you think there is a possibility of his ideas being passed by Congress regardless of whether or not he gets the Presidency?


Anonymous said...

This is a surprisingly sound way of reforming the healthcare system, coming from a nasty little troll of a man. However, most of these reforms can be implemented without getting rid of Obamacare. Healthcare can still be provided for people who aren't dirt poor but still can't pay for their health insurance. If the lowering of premiums and the ability for insurance to sell across state lines is implemented, there's no real need to get rid of it. On the other hand, it may lead to Obamacare becoming obsolete. Honestly, it could go both ways.

Justin Time said...

I agree with the4th3rd. While I certainly do not agree with Trump's xenophobic platform in any way, I do believe that this healthcare plan makes a lot of sense from a conservative standpoint. The plan that increases privaitization while keeping it under the watchful eye of the government ensures the technical progress that has defined American medicine for so long while still making sure that gouging and and unethical business practices are kept in check. Certainly, this goes to show that despite Trump's brash behavior, he knows that in order for an outside to become the president, he must have an experienced set of aides to help him. While Trump may be the big bad figurehead, I do believe that his saving grace lies in an experienced cabinet.