Thursday, March 10, 2016

Does Trump Foster Violence?-Trump rally attendee charged with assault

On Thursday, at a Trump rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina a 78 year old man by the name of John McGraw punched a black male protester in the face and was later arrested and charged for the assault. Many have come to question whether or not the actions of McGraw were motivated by Trump’s outspoken bigotry toward several racial and ethnic groups, or if Trump simply fosters the idea that violence can be justified if there is an enemy. McGraw’s motives are unclear however in a statement he made, it can be assumed that he was driven by racial discrimination. He stated that "Yes, he deserved it. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don't know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization," McGraw said in an interview conducted after the rally but before he was charged. He added that the protester was not acting "like an American" and said it was unclear if he was a part of ISIS.

These words do not seem unfamiliar, because ah yes, Donald Trump himself has made similar remarks in regards to the idea that people who protest may certainly be terrorists and that they should essentially be exterminated from American society.

Now this raises many questions, and certainly a great deal of concern. It is alarming to see such a hate fueled man rise in popularity among the American people when our country is essentially a symbol of social equality and freedom. Also, to see supporters of Trump commit acts of violence, and with pride, is especially concerning. Because of this, if Trump were to win the presidential election this value that the majority of American's hold true, would seem to be ignored by Trump. If Trump, who holds such bigotry for certain groups steps into office, America as we know it, will be a very different place.

Does Trump motivate and foster violence and bigotry?

Is he the cause of such extremist views?

Has he fostered an environment where people are outward racists and discriminatory?

Is Trump a disgrace to American morals or is he an honest man speaking his mind?


Unknown said...

Does Trump foster violence? The short answer would be no. No, Trump does not promote violence, he does not advocate for people to hurt one another, and no where does he say that this is acceptable behavior. Yet The short answer may not be enough. Trump creates an environment that stimulates hate and stimulates violence. Although he may not be proposing violent action himself, he fosters the right situations for it. He does this by playing upon peoples dissatisfaction with the government and their current situation. He plays upon their most intense emotions in order to gain support, yet bringing these emotions to life can also create a violent and dangerous environment. All in all I wouldn't blame Trump for trying to create violence through out our nation, but I would say that he can be accused of enabling such action. If he does gain leadership he must be aware of this and ensure that tensions do not rise and cause harm to other Americans.

Brodi said...

In all honesty Trump does not promote violence outright. He doesn't tell people to go out and punch democratic supporters in the face. I do believe that a large number of his supporter consist of racists and people who are not supporters of equality. He has spoken publicly multiple times of prejudice towards different ethnicity and races. I believe these statements have attracted those who used to sit back and not even vote and brought them out of the shadows and caught their attention. These people I believe are naturally violent bad people and trump ideas may be immoral at times he does not condone violence in the U.S. He talks a lot about taking violent actions in foreign countries but doesn't want the american people to turn against one another. I agree that his hostility in his speeches may cause for some violent emotions. In addition, he doesn't follow all the rules making his supporter feel like they have the right to ignore the law as well. In conclusion I feel that he isn't purposefully encouraging violence but in a way he is influencing people to take action following their emotions. I hope america can set aside our differences and unite as one.

Unknown said...

Trump does not preach/promote violence nor does he tell people to hurt others just because he thinks it is the right thing to do. However, I do think that most of Trump supporters are racists and/or bigots because just hearing the comments that Trump makes (in my opinion) are racist. Many of the things that Trump advocates for is seen as heinous and outright wrong. For example, he wants to build a wall on the border between Mexico and the US, but have Mexico pay for it. And everytime someone says that Trump won't be able to do that, he always responds with the strong mindset that he'll be able to make Mexico pay for it. This just goes to show how little respect that Trump has towards Mexico and that he can just bully other countries to do things that he feels is necessary. I also agree with the fact that most of his rallies bring out the most hostile and selfish individuals that just think like him. His speeches are causing Americans to commit violence whether it be protesters or supporters. I know he may think that everything he is saying is justified under the 1st Amendment, but he has to know when he is crossing the line.