Thursday, March 3, 2016

Immunity to Ex-Clinton Staffer

Reports have come out today that Brian Pagliano, an ex-Clinton staffer, has been granted immunity by the Department of Justice and FBI.
Now that the FBI has turned over its evidence to the U.S. Department of Justice, it is only a matter of time before a case is finally brought against Hillary Clinton for the felonies she has committed. At at least 2,079 emails have been considered classified, many of which were at the "secret" security level, among the highest. This recent announcement gives much hope that the Department of Justice is not simply twiddling its thumbs with this case; there is active work going on. Granting immunity for this staffer likely means that he has important information to divulge that will only add to the extreme amount of evidence against Clinton.
Clinton should certainly be punished for her actions. In fact, if this were a normal person without the same level of political connections and strings to pull as Mrs. Clinton, the punishment would be 10 years in jail and a $10,000 for each email. Hillary is no common man in the military; in fact, it seems that her status makes her even more privileged than U.S. generals. However, I still hold the hope that this will not be a stain on our country's legal system, and Hillary will be punished for the crimes that she committed.
Do you think I am being too dramatic?
Do you think that the email scandal is overblown?
do you think that some government officials are above the law?


Blogger Brian said...

I do not think that you are over-dramatizing this situation, and am in complete agreement that Hillary must be punished for the crimes she has committed. I am glad to see that there seems to be some progress being made, because the process seems to have stalled greatly over the past few months. This is something that needs to be settled as soon as possible, especially with the election coming up. People should be aware of the crime Hillary committed and how severe it is before they continue to vote for her to be our nation's President. I believe the only reason she has not been punished yet is for her political connections. However, I do not think that this means some governmental officials are above the law (or at least I strongly hope so). It seems that Hillary will be rightly punished eventually, but for the time being she is attempting to oppress the process so that it does not harm her campaign. Although we do not know how serious of an issue these emails actually are, that is not the point. The point is that any other person would be imprisoned and fined for this, so there should not be an exception for Hillary. Hopefully, the immunity granted to this ex-Clinton staffer and the FBI turning over its evidence are good signs for bringing Hillary to justice.

Your Pal said...

The American Justice system was built with the intent that no man or women should be held above the law, and all should be tried fairly. Hillary Clinton should definitely face trail for her actions. This should be done before the election takes place in 2016, as it would be a very unwanted action to have to impeach a fresh new president, who also happens to be the first women president if elected. I agree with BloggerBrian in the fact that it is hopeful that progress is being made on this case rather than it fading away as does many cases in which high ranking government officials can pull some strings and have the whole controversy be forgotten about. I do not believe you are over-dramatizing the situation. This case is not only important for the nation's security, but also to show the public of our country and other countries that our government and justice system works, and is not corrupt. No official or CEO should be above the law just because they have the money or power. The United States demonstrated the justice system with Watergate, and this can demonstrate it again.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, The idea that Hillary will be punished is a little dubious. As Blogger Brian says, she deserves to be held accountable. The FBI's investigation has revealed the fact that she had very sensitive information on her email. Her connections have served her thus far, however, and the democratic political establishment shows apparent need for her as a centrist candidate since they've pledged a majority of super delegate votes to her. Democratic leaders may be so wary of being radical that they may accept the perception of being shady instead.

Anonymous said...

I hope that the granted immunity to Brian Pagliano will once and for all bring out evidence against Clinton. A person with her history cannot become our president. She is a criminal that has put our security in danger to make way for her own convenience. Hillary should not be considered “above the law” just because of her place in government. As Your Pal said, our country is based on the intent that no man or woman should be placed above the law and that every American should be tried fairly. Justin, I do not think you are being dramatic, I think that this is still a prevalent issue and that our next president cannot be someone who has violated the laws of the United States. It will be interesting to see (if Hillary is indicted), how Hillary's indictment will effect the Democratic Party in the 2016 election.

Unknown said...

When I was watching the news tonight I was absolutely shocked about a statement made! Now this may just be the media fabricating circumstances, but NBC made the bold statement that there may be legal repercussions to Clinton's actions with her email scandal that will be demonstrated by his testimony, and that this may prohibit her from running for office as there could be legal ramifications. If his testimony turns into a legal battle it will certainly hurt her campaign maybe even stalling it. The repercussions of this will certainly be interesting to see how they play out. However, personally, I think this "scandal" has been blown way out of proportion. This should have been taken care of in the beginning stages of the election and should not still be a reoccurring issue. They need to end this once and for all no matter the consequences.

El KittyCat said...

I completely agree with Your Pal in that NO ONE, not even someone as wealthy and affluent as Clinton, is above the law in the United States. Like Justin Time said in his article, I hope that the Department of Justice and FBI continue to do their jobs, as it is an absolute insult to our democracy that this woman is currently facing no charges. For someone who claims to want equal rights for all, she certainly feels comfortable treating herself as a superior.
This email scandal is in no way being overblown; it is receiving the media attention it deserves, because it is a big deal. The fact that Clinton had top-secret information on an insecure account is truly outrageous, because if this information had been leaked, it could have put millions of American lives in danger. Instead, Clinton chose convenience over doing her job as a government official, and now she must pay the price. Justin Time, you have every right to be outraged about the way things are going at the moment, and you are most definitely not alone in your sentiments. Right now we have a corrupt elitist leading the Democratic race and a racist imbecile dominating the Republican polls, and so it seems like the American people are stuck between a rock and a hard place in this election. That being said: Your Pal, do you think you could hook me up with a Canadian Visa or something? I think I'll be needing one soon.
