Friday, March 18, 2016

Clinton wins Missouri Democratic primary and Sanders concedes

Hillary Clinton has narrowly won the Missouri Democratic primary, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders says he won't request a recount. Clinton led Sanders by 1,531 votes, though some absentee votes still need to be counted. The announcement means Clinton swept all five states that voted in Tuesday night's primaries. A Sanders spokesman said that the Vermont senator won't request a recount because he wants to "save the taxpayers of Missouri some money." A noble move by Bernie in a surely harsh time. Although Sanders does appear to be in a tough spot, his campaign is not over as he moves into Arizona, Idaho, Utah, Wisconsin, New York and California. Sanders is perhaps the most publicized “underdog” campaign and continues to show it by giving Clinton a run for her money at a vast majority of primaries. Although Sanders is making an impressive attempt, is it enough to secure a nomination? Is Bernie Sanders campaign for president finished?


Anonymous said...

I think that while Bernie is making great strides to stay relevant and in the race, that this effort will not be enough. Clinton has racked up so many super delegates already from states that aren’t even close to having their caucus or primary. She has a majority of the votes and it doesn’t look likely that he’ll gain close to her number of delegates, never mind pass her. I think that at this point, there isn’t too much he can do, because while he has won some smaller states like his of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Minnesota, Hillary has Texas, Virginia, and Florida. All major delegate-heavy states. While he is only behind by about 800 right now, that would mean he has to double his number of delegates to match her. Something I think is simply impossible at this point in the race.

Blogger Brian said...

I do not believe that Bernie will be able to make a great enough push to win the nomination. Although he and Hillary have been closely battling it out in most states, she has won the majority and seems to be gaining more momentum. In addition, the amount of superdelegates that Hillary has accumulated (467 as opposed to Bernie's 26) seems to make her lead insurmountable. I think that Bernie's only chance was to gain momentum over Clinton, but this does not seem to be happening as he has battled hard and only had a few victories. His close losses are not enough to push him to a nomination. Unless there is a drastic change in the next few primaries, I don't believe that Bernie stands a chance due to the massive amounts of superdelegates pledging to Hillary.

Anonymous said...

he's not going to make it. Unfortunately, this man's candidacy is in critical condition. His loses are going to sink him, despite all of his supporters. It's a shame, but as Brian says, the super delegate has it.