Friday, March 18, 2016

North Korea Launches Missiles

Reports are beginning to surface about North Korea launching ballistic missiles off the east cost of the Korean peninsula. The launch was confirmed by the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff, and was also confirmed by U.S. officials. This event is a little concerning considering that It comes one week after North Korea fired two missiles from North Hwanghae province toward the sea east of the Korean Peninsula. The question that arises is is that the U.S. has around 17,000 U.S. military personnel working with 300,000 South Korean troops in an attempt to prevent North Korea from trying to launch any attacks against South Korea or neighboring regions. However, North Korea has not been listening to anyone, especially considering the U.N. earlier this year created a list of sanctions and regulations that North Korea must follow, and they have not recognized the regulations whatsoever. Furthermore, on top of everything there are claims being made that North Korea has miniaturized nuclear warheads comes after they reported a successful test of a hydrogen bomb in February. North Korea is a country that should not be taken lightly, and measure should be put into place to prevent them from performing any acts of terror. Some questions to ask are: What is the best solution to ensuring North Korea does not attack anyone? Should the U.N. actually try to get involved this time, instead of just giving North Korea a slap on the wrist. In President Obama's last days in office, should he still try to make an effort regarding this crisis.

1 comment:

Blogger Brian said...

To be honest, I am not that concerned about North Korea, as Kim Jong Un and his nation are notorious for making false threats. I do not believe that they have the nuclear advancements that they say they have, and this missile launch is pretty much the extent of their power. This seems to just be Kim Jong Un trying to make himself seem powerful and dangerous. However, we should definitely take North Korea seriously as these missiles can definitely do damage especially with American troops in South Korea. They are clearly trying to fuel tensions, so I think the best move is to just prepare ourselves as best we can but not give them the attention they want. Unless they start to pose a serious threat, I don't think there is much to worry about with them.