Thursday, March 3, 2016

Romney Calls for Contested Convention

Earlier today, Mitt Romney gave a speech that was considered a sharper attack than any of the 2016 Republican candidates have made against Trump. He called Trump greedy, misogynistic and a fraud and made it clear that the nominee must not be Trump and that Kasich, Rubio or Cruz are all suitable options for the party. He was essentially arguing for all of these candidates to stay in the race so that there may be a “brokered convention” in the future. This would happen if Trump did not have enough delegates to win the nominee, and the delegates would have to vote based on their own personal beliefs. This would be a very difficult thing to do however, because in order to have a contested/brokered convention, the GOP would need to prevent Trump from winning the winner-take-all states such as Florida and Ohio.
Romney has also denounced Trump on his “very, very not smart” views on foreign policy.  Romney specifically said: “Mr. Trump is directing our anger for less-than-noble purposes. He creates scapegoats in Muslims and Mexican immigrants. He calls for the use of torture. He calls for the killing of innocent children and family members of terrorists.” Romney called Trump’s comments reckless and dangerous for the security of our country.  In addition, as a successful businessman himself, Romney also attacked Trump on his history as a businessman. He said that Trump was unsuccessful with all of his bankruptcies that hurt small businesses and that he is not a self-made man; his success was handed to him by his father.
There is a large chance that Romney’s campaign against Donald Trump may backfire, or will have no effect at all on Trump’s path to success, but I have one last hope that a contested convention may occur for the Republicans. Trump cannot be the new face of the Republican party, as his values do not concern the individual. We want a presidential candidate that cares about all Americans, and Donald Trump is not that person.

Do you think it is possible for there to be a brokered convention? Do you think that Mitt Romney’s comments will have an effect on how people vote in the next few primaries? If there is a brokered convention, who do you think would become the nominee? Do you agree with Romney’s statements?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that a brokered convention is definitely possible and is at the forefront of the Republican party's’ mind. However, no convention has even gone beyond the first ballot since 1952 and that was for the Democratic party when it took three ballots to nominate Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson. The GOP’s last multi-ballot convention happened even longer ago in 1948 when it took them three ballots as well to nominate NY Governor Thomas Dewey. A brokered convention would overturn the scripted processes of the conventions and may lead to an intense fight over the nominee. What is more unsettling that an unscripted convention is conflict it would unleash within the party that would played out on national television. It is no coincidence that brokered conventions came to end as networks began to televise them. I think that if their is a brokered convention people will be even more distrustful of the government and democracy in general. It is obvious by Trump’s popularity that the American people don’t want an “establishment”candidate. If one of these candidates is elected I think that it will badly divide the party. Mitt Romney’s comments were harsh and scathing, but Donald Trump has been hit with similar ammo and somehow survived. Though I agree with Romney’s statements, I don’t think they will make a huge difference. If there is a brokered convention, I would hope Kasich is elected, but he failed to win Michigan which is close to his state of Ohio so I doubt that he will. Rubio is also falling at the polls, so I sadly think that Cruz would be elected because he is in second place behind Trump.