Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Obama Lands in Cuba

Obama is the first sitting president since 1928 to land in Cuba, which is a “dramatic personal demonstration of his core foreign policy principle of engaging America's enemies.” It is a bold leap for Obama to step into Cuba in hopes of opening new economic channels for businesses and encouraging the Cuban government to grant more freedoms for its people.
Obama carefully planned his actions through Cuba and interacted with the Cuban people. He even tweeted “¿Que bolá Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people.” Obama tried to connect with the Cuban people by saying, Que bolá, which is an informal Cuban greeting.  In addition, “Obama dined at a "paladar" -- one of hundreds of privately-run restaurants that only recently became permissible in the state-run economy. Those types of businesses -- along with new investments from American firms -- give U.S. officials hope that Cuba is on a path to finally opening its economy after decades of isolation.” His visit to Cuba was carefully planned to encourage the Cuban government to open its country to the world. The Cuban government “hopes the two-day visit will allow it to reap benefits without ceding control, while dissidents on the island want it to speed the pace of change.”
An embassy has also been opened in an attempt to improve relations between America and Cuba. Obama commented on the new embassy by stating  "For the first time, the American flag flies over an embassy, and having the embassy here means we can more effectively advance our interests and values and understand the Cuban people and their concerns".
Many dissidents are happy about Obama’s arrival in Cuba. “Jose Daniel Ferrer, a Cuban dissident… said Obama could act like President Ronald Reagan, demanding immediate improvements in human rights just as Reagan demanded the Soviet Union "tear down this wall." However, this is a drastic change that is not likely to happen and Ferrer  agreed that “even incremental change is beneficial to the island's politically oppressed citizenry. "Obama's visit is good for the people and good for the cause," he said.”

What do you think about Obama’s arrival in Cuba?
Do you think his arrival will successfully encourage the Cuban government to change?
Do you think the trip was a waste of time?



Anonymous said...

Obama's improvements on the relationship between Cuba and the United States is no doubt a step in the right direction.Currently, the only people doing well in Cuba are the political elites. With the new relations brewing, the chance for a different economic and social climate may be brewing. The embargo, hopefully, will end, improving the economy of Cuba. With change in the economy comes social change. See China's metamorphosis from a staunchly communist nation to a more modernized and globalized society as a result of their switch to a market economy. Sure, change will come slowly, but it will happen.


Anonymous said...

I think that it is an important move made by the president to expand relations, even basic ones such as this, to Cuba. This shows progress and support to the Cuban people and government. I think that this visit might be the step we needed in the right direction to help successfully encourage the Cuban government to change its ways and get the people and citizens the support they need but aren’t getting financially or socially through the current government. I don’t see any downside to Obama visiting Cuba and thinks that it shows, not only Cuba but, the world that we are willing to step out and help and support our fellow nations of the world. I don’t think this trip was a waste of time because if this trip did nothing but get the people or government thinking of ways to improve relations, than the trip was worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

I think it is definitely positive that Obama visited Cuba, despite Fidel Castro saying that Cuba doesn't need the American “empire” for anything. While I don’t think that his arrival will change the actions of the Cuban government drastically, I do think that it is the first step towards positive change. This will not only begin to establish new economic channels, but can hopefully encourage the Cuban people towards advancement in both their freedom but also lifestyles in general. I agree with Annie above that this visit was not a waste of time because having an embassy in the Cuba means that America will be better able to understand the interests, values, and concerns of the Cuban people. Overall, I think this trip is important because it helps establish hope for peace which is a rare commodity today.