Friday, March 18, 2016

What people around the world think of Donald Trump

In a recent article by CNN, citizens from countries around the world were asked of their opinion on the GOP frontrunner, Mr. Donald Trump. While responses were varied, he seems to have a few supporters in Israel and Russia, calling him a strong leader who isn't afraid to do something. But beyond those few supporters the results were truly horrifying for the Trumpster. Among the most frequent responses were calling trump a "businessman", "rich guy", and even "entertainer". The bulk of foreign responses portrayed trump in a negative light and shed fear on the prospect of him running the country. Many felt internatonal relations would be horrible and even that the possibility of world war three was not far off. With Trumps presidency seeming more and more likely every day, what does this mean for the world? And what does this mean for the world's people? Will Donald Trump negatively affect the United States image in the world?

1 comment:

Blogger Brian said...

Although I am not surprised by the world's reaction to Trump leading the GOP race, this is not something we should ignore. The fact that people of other nations are afraid for what will happen if he is elected shows how ridiculous this is getting. It is pretty scary to think that so many Americans can support a man that scares the rest of the world. A huge responsibility for the President of the US is foreign policy and relations. Contrary to his constant bragging that he would be great with foreign policy due to his business background, Trump clearly does not have the basic skill set to formally represent our country. I can't speak for all of America, but I surely do not want the rest of the world to view me and my fellow Americans as anything like Trump. It is shocking to me that every other nation can see the danger Trump presents to the entire world, yet so many Americans cannot.