Monday, March 14, 2016

Ohio Looms Large in Both Races on Tuesday

Ohio Looms Large in Both Races on Tuesday

March 14, 2016

         As the presidential nomination race comes to the 3/4th point, there have been a lot of surprising and shocking events that could alter the way that public views either of the presidential nominees. Still, the public is divided between a racist, narcissistic Republican and a Democratic party that only has two candidates that seem to be less attractive. The unsettling images of a Donald Trump rally that was cancelled due to the overwhelming amount of supporters and protestors that clashed before it was set to happen caused many people to wonder what the future would hold if Donald Trump became president. There is still plenty of time for one Republican candidate to challenge and even win against Trump, but the tie do it is now. With the upcoming primary election in Ohio, many people speculate whether or not Trump will be able to pull off a victory in Ohio.  If Trump does in fact win Ohio, he will be able to obtain most of the 424 delegate votes that are up for grabs. However, there is one candidate that might be able to overwhelm Trump and come out victorious: John Kasich. In two recent polls, they show that Kasich has the edge over Trump, but of Kasich does not win the state of Ohio he will withdraw from the race. For the past week and a half, most of Trump's rallies have been unorganized and ended with an escort from the police to avoid clashing with the numerous protesters.  For the Republican party, Ohio will signal whether or not Trump has enough support to be able to go all the way. 
      On the other hand, the Democratic race is somewhat mixed, but most of the signs point to Hillary Clinton being the presidential nominee. However, with the recent surge of victories for Bernie Sanders, the race might be tighter than expected. With people in the midwest, those votes will most likely go to Bernie while on the east coast, Hillary will probably win the support in those areas. In conclusion, Ohio is now the most critical state for a presidential nominee candidate to win if he/she wants to be able to have a chance of reaching the next election. 

How do you think the primary election in Ohio play out? If Kasich does end up winning Ohio, how will this affect the rest of the race? Lastly, with all the clashes between supporters and protesters of Trump, do you believe that America is finally coming to the senses and realizing that Trump may not actually be a worthy presidential nominee? Do you think in the end that the protesters will out number the supporters?


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